Diamond colour actually refers to a lack of colour, this is because a diamond can divide light into a spectrum of colours but colour in the diamond acts like a filter thereby reducing the spectrum of colours emitted. The less colour, the better the colour grade will be.
We are always happy to discuss your diamond requirements and help with any questions that you may have to find that right diamond for you.
Diamonds graded D-F are considered colourless, G-I near colourless and J -Z tinted. At Fultons we use diamonds that are colour graded F for our shop stock (unless otherwise stated). Please ask for more details.
The cut of a diamond is all about unlocking the most out of the stone using the art of gemstone cutting
Diamond clarity refers to the absence of naturally occurring inclusions within the stone or blemishes on the surface
The name carat is derived from the carob tree as the seeds were of a constant weight, 1ct equals 1/5th of a gram